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Union Budget 2016-17: Mere eyewash or some concrete steps

In the age of social media, various sections of the Indian polity and civil society have reacted publicly in diverse voices, following the presentation of the Union Budget 2016-17 by Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley. An assessment of the Union Budget 2016-17 has been done in the following paragraphs by the Inclusive Media for Change team, based on a number of media reports, Government documents (including the Budget documents), and reports...

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Just another trivial Budget -Ashok V Desai

-The Hindu The Finance Minister’s prescriptions are a classic case of being unable to see the wood for the trees, be it on the tax proposals, the rural outreach or the bank bailout. It was a marathon achievement: 12,187 words in 111 minutes. True, there were no interruptions; the Finance Minister virtually sent the House to sleep. I have listened to many Budget speeches; and I cannot say that Dr. Manmohan Singh...

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Pretending to be pro-poor, little change over UPA -Arun Kumar

-The Tribune While giving concessions worth Rs.1,000 crore in the direct taxes paid by the rich, the government plans to net an extra Rs. 19,000 crore in indirect taxes, which are contributed by all. This reveals a regressive intent. Like all Union budgets, this one also is long on promises but hides the real dynamics, namely, how the resources are to be raised for the promised very substantial expenditures. The budget is...

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Neglecting Health Expenditure in Favour of the Chimera of Insurance -Dipa Sinha When the data tells us insurance-based health schemes have not reduced out-of-pocket expenditure for the poor, Jaitley’s budgetary focus should have been on boosting public provision of health care. Despite sustained economic growth for over two decades, improvements in health indicators in India have not kept pace. By 2015, India was able to meet only four out of the ten health targets set under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for that...

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Art of Living event along Yamuna’s floodplain creates controversy -Ritam Halder

-Hindustan Times New Delhi: It may sound ironical for a city that has already ‘killed’ its only source of water and fighting with the neighbours for uninterrupted water supply, but a construction exercise of gigantic proportions is on along the Yamuna floodplains, which green activists say threatens the river’s ecology. Huge machines have cleared over 1,000 acres where tents, hutments, pontoon bridges and a gigantic 7-acre stage is coming up to host...

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