-PTI The Bombay high court on Tuesday granted bail to cartoonist Aseem Trivedi, who is facing a sedition case, saying if drawing cartoons was the only allegation against him, then his custody was not required. A division bench of Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice Nitin Jamdar directed Trivedi to be released on execution of a personal bail-bond of Rs. 5,000. The bail order was passed by the bench on a public...
Designing food systems to protect nature and get rid of hunger -Vandana Shiva
Industrialisation of agriculture creates hunger and malnutrition, destroying the food web to which we all belong. Hunger and malnutrition is manmade. It is in the design of the industrial chemical model of agriculture. And just as hunger has been created by design, producing healthy and nutritious food for all can be designed through food democracy. That is what we do in Navdanya. That is what the diverse movements for food sovereignty...
More »Uneasy calm prevails in Kudankulam
-PTI An uneasy calm prevailed here on Tuesday with police tightening vigil as anti-nuclear protesters continued with their relay fast at Idinthakarai, epicentre of protests against the Kudankulam Nuclear plant, condemning the action against anti-KKNPP Activists. Police here said the situation was calm but they are keeping a strict vigil. “Security has been stepped up,” sources said. Sources close to S P Udhayakumar, convener of People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy, spearheading the protest...
More »Sedition? Seriously?
-The Hindu “Take again Section 124-A of the Indian Penal Code,” Jawaharlal Nehru said during a parliamentary debate centred around freedom of speech in 1951. “Now as far as I am concerned that particular Section is highly objectionable and obnoxious and it should have no place…in any body of laws that we might pass. The sooner we get rid of it the better.” Ironically, the sedition clause not only remains on...
More »Jal Satyagrahis win after 16 days, MP govt relents
-The Hindustan Times The 16-day-old Jal Satyagraha, organized by farmers displaced by Omkareshwar Dam ended on Monday. The state government accepted all the demands of the agitationists. The displaced farmers were demanding reduction of water level in the dam, land for land and monetary compensation. "We have agreed to bring down the water level of dam to 189 metres and to compensate the farmers' land. It will, however, affect irrigation in...
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