Total Matching Records found : 4031

Special powers to be used to cancel Bauxite lease in Andhra Pradesh-Nidhi Sharma

For the first time, the Centre has urged the governor to use his special powers in Scheduled Areas to cancel bauxite mining leases given in Andhra Pradesh's Vishakhapatnam district. Linking the issue of bauxite mining to the growing Maoist violence on the Andhra-Odisha border, the Centre has asked Andhra Pradesh governor ESL Narsimhan to use special powers, bestowed to governors in Scheduled Areas under the Constitution, to cancel the leases. The Centre...

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Of mines, minerals and tribal rights-Brinda Karat

The proposed liberalisation of the mining and minerals sector is an assault on the rightful owners of the land and its resources. Tribal and indigenous communities across the world have been asserting their rights to the mineral wealth often found under the land they own or possess or have traditional rights to. They have been historically denied even a share of that huge wealth, leave alone legal rights of ownership. Under...

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World Bank gives evidence of corruption in highway projects-Dipak K Dash

The World Bank's allegations of fraud and corrupt practices in highway projects funded by the multilateral agency could just be the tip of the iceberg. The Bank's report has an annexure of "collateral" evidence showing how contractors produced fake invoices and certificates to get advance from National Highways Authority of India (NHAI). The investigation team of World Bank's Institutional Integrity Unit tracked down three companies supplying aggregates (construction material) in Nepal...

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Protests in US over high pricing of Novartis' anti-cancer drug Glivec-Divya Rajagopal

Health activists and cancer patients in the US have pounced on Swiss drug multinational Novartis for the high price of its famous, multi-billion dollar anti-cancer drug Glivec, a development which challenges pharma MNCs' claims of cheap access and affordability for patented drugs. Such protests, which began first in Europe, and have now spread to the US, could make it more difficult for pharma MNCs in developing countries to convince sceptical governments...

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Dr Peter Kenmore, Veteran agricultural scientist and alumnus of Harvard and Berkeley Universities interviewed by Yogesh Pawar

Veteran agricultural scientist and alumnus of Harvard and Berkeley Universities, Dr Peter Kenmore was in Mumbai for NABARD’s 30th anniversary lecture on ‘Future of Global Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities for India.’ This United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization India representative spoke to Yogesh Pawar on the current scenario in agriculture. Some excerpts: There’s a lot of churn over GM technology in India. At a time when the country is grappling with...

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