As the government aims to cut subsidies to less than two per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2012-13 and 1.75 per cent over the next three years, several analysts believe the subsidy amount on the proposed food security law may not allow it to come into effect or be contained. Planning Commission member Abhijit Sen tells Dilasha Seth various subsidy figures on food security quoted by the...
Food Security Bill may see some changes
-The Economic Times The much-awaited Food Security Bill, which is being vetted by Parliamentary Standing Committee, may see some changes before being cleared. "The committee may go for universalising the distribution of grains to cover wider range of population," ministry sources said. According to the original bill, the government is planning to make foodgrain available at low prices only to 'certain' targeted sections, that is, the below-Poverty line population dividing the...
More »‘India will see highest urban population rise in 40 years'-Aarti Dhar
U.N. report says China, India together will account for about third of the increase in urban population in coming decades India will witness the largest increase in urban population in the next four decades followed by China, a United Nations report has said. India will add another 497 million to its urban population between 2010 and 2050, while China will see 341 million people shifting into cities, followed by Nigeria (200 million),...
More »Planning Commission’s Poverty Charade
-Economic and Political Weekly Yojana Bhavan never seems to know how to count India’s poor That the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government can on occasion after occasion mishandle a situation and also show insensitivity has been in evidence once again in its handling of the Poverty figures estimated from the 66th (2009-10) round of the National Sample Survey (NSS). Although the Planning Commission’s estimates, as measured by the Tendulkar methodology, declined sharply...
More »Come June, bountiful Rabi harvest poses problem of plenty by Rajeev Deshpande & Surojit Gupta
A problem of plenty is looming as by June 1, an estimated 12 million tonnes of foodgrain will have to be stored in the open in "kutcha plinths" with a bountiful Rabi harvest and procurement of 65 million tonnes of grain boosting food stocks to record levels. With states like Madhya Pradesh - apart from the wheat baskets of Punjab and Haryana - delivering bonus yields, food stocks are expected to...
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