A six-phased Assembly elections in West Bengal, a two stage poll in Assam and a single day poll in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Puducherry were today announced by the Election Commission, setting in motion the largest such exercise after 2009 Lok Sabha polls. With parts of the state affected by Maoists activities, West Bengal will have elections in six phases on April 18, 23, 27, May 3, 7 and 10,...
Congress disrupts proceedings
Congress MLAs on the first day of the state assembly's budget session disrupted governor Dr Kamla's speech on Thursday. They were protesting against the alleged failure of the state government to take action in an RTI activist's suicide case in Kutch. As the governor stood up to deliver her speech, Congress MLAs started shouting slogans against the government. The MLAs demanded justice for RTI activist Jabbardan Gadhvi, 42, who had self-immolated...
More »Riot bill jolt to NAC by Radhika Ramaseshan
The National Advisory Council today suffered its first setback in revamping the anti-communal violence bill when four associate members quit because their concerns were not addressed. Two of the members are Shabnam Hashmi and John Dayal, who were part of an advisory group that was constituted to help the conveners of a sub-committee working on the proposed law. The other two are Vrinda Grover and Usha Ramanathan, enlisted to help the...
More »Coke Kerala bill: Rs 216cr by John Mary
The Kerala Assembly has passed a landmark law that makes Coca-Cola liable for damages of up to Rs 216 crore for alleged pollution and exploitation of groundwater at its bottling plant in northern Palakkad district. A committee appointed by the state government has quantified the loss caused by the plant to the local community at Rs 216 crore since the soft drinks maker set up the unit in arid Plachimada. The previous...
More »Govt mulls law to curb food wastage at weddings
Terming the food wastage at weddings and social gatherings as “criminal”, Food and Consumer Affairs Minister K V Thomas today said the government could bring a new law in this regard and also launch an awareness campaign to curb this. The minister said although the government has not conducted any study to determine the level of wastage of food at such functions like marriage events, there are reports that wastage is...
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