Umesh Kumar and his wife Satvati Devi were woken in the middle of the night by loud cries coming from the neighbouring house. "She was crying loudly. She was pleading, 'Kill me, but please don't hurt him.' She loved him and they wanted to get married," Ms Devi tells me. Two days after teenage lovers Asha and Yogesh were brutally killed, Swaroop Nagar colony on the north-western outskirts of the...
Gender Bender by Arfa Khanum Sherwani
As soon as the Rajya Sabha passed the women’s reservation bill, ensuring 33 per cent reservations for women in Parliament and state legislative assemblies, the issue of backward and Muslim women jigged to the centre of the debate. Earlier, whenever Muslim women managed to come into the limelight, it was all grabbed by the Imranas and the Gudias, not to forget the Shahbanos — supposed to be living in the...
More »Medieval justice: Kangaroo courts call the shots in TN by Padmini Sivarajah
In several hamlets in the Caste sensitive pockets of south Tamil Nadu, the law of the land has ceased to exist. Here, it is the ‘kattapanchayat’ or kangaroo courts that rule. A few months ago, Nagaraj, a dalit from Vedasandur in Dindigul district, married a non-dalit girl, Sumathi. Fear of reprisal prompted them to flee the village. They returned a month later hoping that their parents would accept them. But...
More »Bad hair days after Caste bar by GC Shekhar
Price of Caste arrogance: an unkempt look with crumpled clothes and overgrown beards and hair. All because the majority Thevars of Irunjirai, located 80km from Madurai, had warned the village’s lone dhobi not to press Dalits’ clothes. The dhobi has shut shop and fled the village of 130 families and so has the barber, fearing the same diktat from the Thevars. “Now we have no choice but to travel by bus to the...
More »How fruit trees in Indian village save girls' lives by Amarnath Tewary
In India, where traditionally boys have been preferred over girls, a village in backward Bihar state has been setting an example by planting trees to celebrate the birth of a girl child. In Dharhara village, Bhagalpur district, families plant a minimum of 10 trees whenever a girl child is born. And this practice is paying off. Nikah Kumari, 19, is all set to get married in early June. The would-be...
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