-PTI Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh said Friday the government will take all measures to ensure that onion prices do not go up to the Rs 80-100 per kg level again, seeking to quell fears of a spike in the festive season ahead. The monsoon was late, so the kharif or summer onion crop would be delayed by a month in Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, the main growing areas. This could...
Delayed seeds of reform -Ashok Gulati
-The Financial Express Controlling food inflation seems to have pre-occupied the attention of the Modi government, at least for now, and it has succeeded in minimising the damage despite a poor monsoon. The Modi government had to hit the ground running as far as food and agriculture is concerned. With delayed and deficient rains in June and the spectre of El Nino, drought was looming large. Food inflation was stubbornly stuck at...
More »Bitter pill to swallow -Reetika Khera
-The Indian Express Rajasthan government's decision to ‘target' free medicines and diagnostics is contrary to the recommended role of government in healthcare. In 2002-03, Abhijit Banerjee, Angus Deaton and Esther Duflo studied health facilities in rural Udaipur, Rajasthan. They found that facilities were poor and absenteeism was rampant. In 2013, we decided to revisit the same public health facilities. The motivation was to study two bold initiatives of the then Ashok Gehlot...
More »A big bang reform that may be spot on -TT Ram Mohan
-The Hindu The reassuring message in the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana is that in pursuing its economic objectives, the government wants to accord an important role to the public sector even while relying on market mechanisms The goal is hard to achieve. It is costly and unviable. It will create huge stresses in the banking system. The Narendra Modi government's Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (JDY), an ambitious scheme for financial...
More »For a new paradigm of social justice -D Shyam Babu and Chandra Bhan Prasad
-The Hindu The central policy challenge for the new government is how to sustain social gains while ensuring that Dalits can participate more meaningfully in the economy, by sharing in the fruits of economic growth while contributing as well In his address to the nation on Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his intention to "take a solemn pledge of working for... the welfare of the poor, oppressed, Dalits, the exploited...
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