-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: The chief information commissioner (CIC) D Rajagopalan has asked the Gujarat high court to furnish information under the Right to Information Act pertaining to its system for monitoring the lower judiciary. The commission ordered so after the HC had refused to part with the information on the grounds that it wasn't bound to reveal these details under the information laws. The applicant, Kalpeshkumar Gupta, filed a query under...
High-yield wheat wins Indian scientist Rajaram 'Agri Nobel'
-The Times of India CHENNAI: Indian scientist Sanjaya Rajaram has won the prestigious World Food Prize, considered the Nobel prize of food and agriculture, for 2014 for his contribution to developing high-yield wheat cultivars 'Kauz' and 'Attila'. The wheat varieties produce at least 15% higher a yield than any other type, by holding more grains on each stalk, and are currently cultivated over more than 40 million hectares across the world. Rajaram is...
More »Solar panels & solidarity: The women farmers of Edamalakudi -P Sainath
-PSainath.org The adivasi women of Edamalakudi, Kerala's remotest panchayat, have formed a headload workers' group, helped light up their villages with solar power, and practice group farming in wild elephant territory. All are Muthavan tribals. Almost all are members of Kerala's extraordinary anti-poverty and gender justice movement - Kudumbashree. They are also neighbours of Chinnathambi, the keeper of the Wilderness Library. When 60 women in Edamalakudi carried about a hundred solar...
More »Govt plans 'soil health cards' for all farmers -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Seeking to spur agricultural growth, the Centre will soon launch a comprehensive plan to provide 'Soil Health Card' to all farmers across the country. The card will carry crop-wise recommendations of nutrients/fertilizers required for farms, making it possible for farmers to improve productivity by wisely using inputs. A computerized system will be developed, allowing local agriculture science centres to keep details of 'soil test' results. Soil...
More »Why do millions of Indians defecate in the open? -Shannti Dinnoo
-BBC It's early morning and local commuters are queuing up for tickets at the Kirti Nagar railway station in the Indian capital, Delhi. Along the tracks, another crowd is gathering - each person on his own, separated by a modest distance. They are among the 48% of Indians who do not have access to proper sanitation. Coming from a slum close-by, they squat among the few trees and bushes along the railway tracks...
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