-The Hindu The Delhi police Crime Branch plans to soon summon those named in the extortion case registered against Zee TV on a complaint by Jindal Steel and Power Limited alleging that Rs.100 crore was demanded in the form of advertisements to dilute the campaign launched by the news channel against the business group in connection with the alleged coal block scam. The Crime Branch has already sent the recordings of at...
With FIR, Jindal gives police tapes of ‘meetings’ with Zee -Archna Shukla
-The Indian Express It’s a sting operation and the TV channel seems to be at the receiving end. Along with its FIR against Zee TV, Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) has provided the police with audio and video recordings of telephone conversations and three meetings held on September 13, 17 and 19 between Zee and JSPL officials at Delhi’s Hyatt Regency. The recordings have been sent for forensic analysis by police,...
More »BEA sets up team to probe Jindal allegations against Zee
-Live Mint JSPL had filed an FIR alleging attempts at extortion by Zee to stop unfavourable coverage The executive committee of the Broadcast Editors Association has agreed to set up a three-member fact-finding committee to look into allegations against Zee News Ltd by the Naveen Jindal-led Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL). JSPL, run by Congress MP Jindal, filed a first information report (FIR) with the crime branch of Delhi police on 2...
More »Zee Group denies Naveen Jindal's allegations
-PTI The industrialist has alleged that the news channel sought advertisement commitments worth crores of rupees Zee television group today denied the allegation made by industrialist and Congress MP Naveen Jindal against the channel that it had sought advertisement commitments worth crores of rupees. "This kind of allegation has happened in the past and may happen in the future. It doesn't make any difference to us and we will stick to the truth....
More »HC asks CBI to probe mall scam involving Digvijaya Singh
-PTI INDORE: Indore bench of the Madhya Pradesh high court has asked Central Bureau of Investigation to probe the Treasure Island scam case here, involving former chief minister Digvijaya Singh, and report back within six months. The order was passed by the division bench of Justices P K Jaisawal and Moolchand Garg on Thursday, said advocate Dr Manohar Dalal, counsel for petitioner Mahesh Garg. According to advocate Dalal, the HC asked the CBI...
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