-The Indian Express Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Wednesday granted anticipatory bail to a senior bank official accused of molesting a teenage girl, saying that "he is a high-profile person and has been exposed to humiliation already". Joginder Singh, a deputy general manager with the Oriental Bank of Commerce, was booked by the police for allegedly molesting a 16-year-old girl in the lift of his residential building in Vile Parle on...
Indian Express-ICIJ probe: Vijay Mallya, Ravikant Ruia in tax havens -Ritu Sarin
-The Indian Express The 612 Indians on the list of those who have invested in tax havens such as the British Virgin Islands include two MPs, a former royal and top industrialists. RITU SARIN puts together details of 20 among them SONU LALCHAND MIRCHANDANI Mirchandani is the founder of popular consumer electronics firm Onida. Mirchandani and his wife, Soni, opened a BVI company called Strong Wing Overseas Ltd in 2006 with an authorised...
More »CAG picks holes in Narendra Modi’s Gujarat development plan -Ajay Umat
-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: At a time when NarendraModi's development model is under national spotlight, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has criticized his government in Gujarat for imprudent fiscal management. It has underlined a need for greater professionalism and accountability in the functioning of the government and asked it to be more alert and responsive. The national auditor has said the state government has incurred 41% higher debt than the...
More »India’s rich are the problem-CP Chandrasekhar
-The Hindu Even as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) frets over the high rate of inflation and wards off pressures to cut interest rates, it is faced with another challenge. Balance of payments data for the second quarter of 2012-13 show that the current account deficit continues to rise, and has touched a record 5.4 per cent of GDP. Both of these developments that would be considered signs of “overheating”...
More »India Post readies plan to start bank -Sidhartha & Saurabh Sinha
-The Times of India The Reserve Bank of India having opened the window for new bank licences, the postal department is finalizing the blueprint to set up a bank of its own at your neighbourhood post office, a move that will challenge the dominance of large public sector lenders in smaller towns and rural India. While the department already has a balance sheet of Rs 6.18 lakh crore, which includes deposits of...
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