-The Hindu The incident happened on November 18, but the local police lodged an FIR only on December 5 after a local MLA intervened on behalf of the parents Ghaziabad: The police have arrested the directors of two private schools in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh for allegedly molesting 17 minor girl students who were asked to stay overnight on a school premises on the pretext of a practical exam. The incident allegedly...
Delhi violence: In first conviction, court finds man guilty of setting house on fire
-Scroll.in The judge will announce the sentence on December 22. A Delhi court on Monday convicted a man for being part of a mob that set a house on fire during the riots in the national capital in February 2020, reported PTI. This is the first conviction in the Delhi riots cases. Additional Sessions Judge Virender Bhat found Dinesh Yadav guilty under sections 143 (member of an unlawful assembly), 147 (punishment for rioting),...
More »The way to tackle malnutrition -KR Antony
-The Hindu It is high time that the process of monitoring nutrition got importance over survey outcomes The National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-5 shows negligible gains in nutritional outcomes among under-five children. There has been tardy progress in reducing undernutrition, wasting and stunting. It is a national shame that even now, 35.5% of under-five children are stunted and 19.3% are wasted. Childhood anaemia has worsened from NFHS-4. Anaemia among adolescent girls and...
More »Limiting antibiotics use in crops: What new actions did the government take -Deepak Bhati
-Down to Earth There were growing concerns over resistance to streptomycin and tetracycline antibiotics The registration committee (RC) under the Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee (CIBRC) August 2021 approved the recommendation for phasing out the use of streptomycin and tetracycline, according to the availability of alternatives. It has also highlighted the need for validation of available alternatives on a large scale in the field. These recommendations are made by a sub-committee formed by...
More »Can’t Compromise on Demand for MSP, Cases, Compensation, says SKM, After MHA Fails to Hold Talks -Ravi Kaushal
-Newsclick.in Farmer leaders cut up as Centre has not yet tried to open up dialogue on remaining demands with the 5-member committee. New Delhi: After a day-long meeting at the Singhu Border, the core committee of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) on Monday said that farmers’ leaders had so far received only verbal assurances from the Union government and it remained non-committal on any written statement for withdrawal of criminal cases and...
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