-OutlookIndia.com On Tuesday evening, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that India was entering a lockdown for the next THRee weeks, adding it was the only way to contain the spread of the Novel Coronavirus. About two weeks ago, when suggestions for a nationwide lockdown started coming in, the biggest concern was the survival of India's daily wage labourers and construction workers, who live from hand to mouth. On Tuesday evening, Prime Minister Narendra...
Coronavirus: Social distancing a cruel joke for slum dwellers in Himalayan cities -Joydeep Gupta
-TheThirdPole.net Packed inside tiny homes on metre-wide lanes, slum dwellers facing the Covid-19 pandemic wonder how they can distance themselves “How distant is this social distancing the Prime Minister keeps talking about?” asked Sumita Singh. “He wants us to keep a minimum distance of one metre. Look at our home. Six people live in a home that is five metres wide and THRee metres deep. Can we do this social distancing?” The...
More »'Nobody should go hungry': Kerala to start community kitchens in every panchayat -Cithara Paul
-TheWeek.in The govt decision comes in the wake of coronavirus lockdown Stating that nobody should go hungry in Kerala, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Wednesday announced his government's plan to start community kitchens in every panchayat in the state in the backdrop of coronavirus induced lockdown. It is for the first time that a state government is starting a community kitchen in the backdrop of the nationwide lockdown declared by Prime Minister Narendra...
More »"15,000 Ltrs Milk, 10,000 kg Veg Dumped": E-Tailers Allege Police Attacks - Rishika Baruah & Divyanshu Dutta Roy
-NDTV Coronavirus India Lockdown: Across India, there have been reports of grocery, medicine and food delivery agents being abused and assaulted by policemen. New Delhi: E-commerce companies delivering essentials like groceries, medicines and food are facing attacks and harassment from law enforcement officials and security guards, leading to severe inconvenience in times of an unprecedented crisis, online retailers have said, calling for an urgent intervention from the government. A huge amount of...
More »No, Coronavirus crisis is no turning point for globalisation -Sanjaya Baru
-The Indian Express In the short term, there will be flight to safety of people worried about a pandemic, as there is of capital during a financial crisis. When normalcy returns, the globalised Indian will fly away once again. As people return home from distant lands, global value chains get disrupted and cross-border movement comes to a grinding halt, new theories are being propounded about the end of globalisation and the return...
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