Congress President Sonia Gandhi's official residence 10, Janpath has consumed electricity worth more than Rs. 7 lakh in the last three years, a reply to an RTI has revealed. Out of the total bill of Rs. 7.47 lakh, the Lok Sabha Secretariat paid Rs. 7.38 lakh while Gandhi herself paid about Rs. 9000. As per the RTI reply, received from the Lok Sabha Secretariat, 10 Janpath consumed a little over two lakh...
Food security: PM says will seriously evaluate NAC recommendations
The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, on Saturday, said that on his return to New Delhi, he would study the recommendations made by the National Advisory Council (NAC) on the issue of food security. Interacting with media persons accompanying him a three-nation visit to Japan, Malaysia and Vietnam, on a wide range of subjects onboard his special aircraft, Dr. Singh said: "When I will go back, I will try to acquaint...
More »Shunglu panel gets broader mandate by P Sunderarajan
The high-level committee set up by the Centre to look into the conduct of the Commonwealth Games would have a much broader mandate, going beyond allegations of corruption and misappropriation of funds. Even while focussing on “alleged misappropriation, irregularities, wasteful expenditure and wrongdoings in the conduct of the Games,” the terms of reference of the panel approved on Monday include examination of “weaknesses” in management and issues relating to coordination among...
More »Ending The Kerala Model by Apoorva Shah
In 1957, the Communist Party of Kerala became the first democratically elected communist government in Asia. While many in the West feared that this election would help communism spread across South Asia and make Kerala the "Yan'an of India", the Keralite communists' actions were checked by Jawaharlal Nehru and the Congress party's control of the federal coffers. Instead, from within the political bounds of India's divided government, Kerala initiated what has...
More »Shortage of migrant labour but Punjab’s own farm hands are 48% underutilised, says study by Amrita Chaudhry
Economists’ report says tractors are used for just 178 hrs a year and electric motors are overused That Punjab faces an acute labour shortage each paddy season is a known and established fact. But not many know that 48.66 per cent of the total ‘family labour’ — members of a farmer’s family — available for agriculture remains underutilised in the state. A study of the resources employed in Punjab agriculture throws up...
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