Total Matching Records found : 3852

Vodafone-Hutch deal: Retrospective change to I-T Act-Nikhi Kanekal and Kian Ganz

The government introduced a retrospective clarification to the Income-Tax (I-T) Act, 1961, virtually amending the law to ensure that cross-border transactions such as the $11.08 billion (around Rs55,735 crore today) Vodafone-Hutchison deal are taxable. The Supreme Court had ruled this deal as not being taxable in India. The amendment becomes crucial because a review petition by the government on this case is pending before the Supreme Court, which might now have...

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New policy to end dependence of farmers on cotton export

-The Times of India   The Gujarat government has decided to come up with a new policy that would ensure that state's farmers do not have to depend on cotton export in order to earn a high price of their produce. Announcing this in the state assembly, state industries minister Saurabh Patel told the house that the government plans to come up with a scheme that would encourage the existing ginning mills...

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A life saver-Shamnad Basheer

Compulsory licence can go a long way to ensure access to cheaper drugs In a momentous development, the Indian patent office issued the ever-compulsory licence in a highly contentious pharmaceutical patent case. The decision is a thumping victory for several patients and health activists who have been fighting what can only be labelled as highly inequitable pricing strategies by multinational drug firms for the past several decades. In August 2011, Natco, an...

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Road to cheaper drugs by Rupali Mukherjee

The government's decision to bust the price as well as monopoly of Bayer's anti-cancer drug, through the process of compulsory licensing now opens up the field for the generic industry to follow suit and could well pave the way for the availability of cheaper drugs for lifestyle diseases.  More generic companies could invoke the compulsory licensing clause of the Indian Patents Act, following Monday's decision to allow Natco Pharma to sell...

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A historic move to make drugs affordable-G Ananthakrishnan

India's use of the compulsory licensing provision under its patents law for the first time to make the patented cancer drug Nexavar available at affordable prices is an essential, although belated step to curb the mounting cost of drugs. The grant of the licence by the Controller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks to Natco Pharma for manufacture of the drug Sorafenib Tosylate (Nexavar) to treat liver and kidney cancer is...

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