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Green therapy by Anju Agnihotri Chaba

Since the advent of the Green Revolution popularised use of excessive irrigation and fertilisers in India in the 1960s, biodynamic farming, an advanced form of organic farming, had largely faded into oblivion. Biodynamic farming, a return to natural farming free from the use of pesticides and chemicals, is readying for a revival in Punjab, the hub of the Green Revolution in the country. While organic farming is basically a holistic management...

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Lack of health administrators impact scope, scale of NRHM by Radhieka Pandeya

In the remote Raghopur block of Vaishali district in Bihar, the primary health centre (PHC) is supposed to be operational 24X7, with the medical officer in charge (MOIC) running the out-patient department between 8am and 12.30pm. On 8 May, the MOIC reached the PHC at 10.30am and left after an hour. According to patients, this was not a random event. Most of the 20-strong crowd awaiting medical attention is turned away....

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Energy drinks could be harmful by Jayashree Nandi

Tired, bored? Next time you reach for that can of energy drink, pause. For, the food safety authority cautions against excessive use. Energy drinks of various brands that have flooded the market and are available over the counter — in cigarette shops, pubs and even departmental stores — are the new manna for the youth. Precisely why the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has now proposed a...

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Three firms rank highest on access to poor by Donald G. Mcneil Jr

GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis have taken the top three spots again on the Access to Medicine Index, which ranks pharmaceutical companies on how readily they make their products available to the world's poor. It was the second time the rankings, which were created in 2008, have been issued. This time, 95 per cent of the brand-name companies approached by the Dutch foundation that started the index agreed to provide information;...

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Agri-growth and malnutrition by Ashok Gulati, T Nanda Kumar & Ganga Shreedhar

India has been lauded for its remarkable overall economic growth of over 8% over the last five years. But despite this high and relatively stable growth, India's underbelly is soft. The agriculture sector is performing below expectations, with growth rate of around 2.8%, it is way below the Eleventh Plan target of 4%. The Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) estimates that 22% of India's population is undernourished. Child malnutrition is...

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