Total Matching Records found : 3123

The wheat mountains of the Punjab by MS Swaminathan

The arrival of large quantities of wheat in the grain markets of the Punjab-Haryana region is a heart-warming sight, while poor storage is a matter of national shame. It was in April-May 1968, that the country witnessed the wonderful spectacle of large arrivals of wheat grain in the mandis of Punjab like Moga and Khanna. Wheat production in the country rose to nearly 17 million tonnes that year, from the previous...

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All you wanted to know about Endosulfan (…but were afraid to ask!)

Endosulfan, the pesticide which is widely believed to be responsible for thousands of deaths, diseases and devastation, was able to save its own life largely because of India’s questionable efforts at global forums. The controversial pesticide has been in news for a long time because of its harmful effects on humans, wild life and the environment. Obviously the $100 million industry is going out of the way to defend the...

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Rice left to burn in the open in Punjab godown by Jyoti Kamal

Even as the highest ever harvest of wheat and rice is expected this year, callous administration is leading to rice literally going up in smoke in the Punjab. Tens of thousands of tons of rice stocked for the last five years in the open have now caught fire at a Punjab Agro storage area in Khamano, a large procurement market.   An incensed Supreme Court had in 2010 said if the government...

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Worrisome trend by TK Rajalakshmi

The CSR has declined in 27 States and Union Territories, recording an all-time low, while the adult sex ratio has improved, though slowly. WHEN the provisional data from Census 2011 were released on March 31, the worst fears of those working in the area of women and child development were confirmed. The horror of a declining child sex ratio (CSR), which first came to light in Census 2001, returned once again,...

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Wheat procurement picks up; concern over storage by Gargi Parsai

Procurement of wheat for the public distribution system on Friday crossed the last year's level although it remained lower in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, compared to the corresponding period last year, due to late arrival or delayed reporting. As per the latest data released by the Centre, the Food Corporation of India and State agencies had procured 20.92 million tonnes of wheat compared to 20.61 million tonnes procured last year in...

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