The Centre was not releasing Rs 1,700 crore in NREGA funds to West Bengal, Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee claimed today. "Despite placing full account for expenditure under the NREGA scheme in the state, the central government is yet to give Rs 1,700 crore," Bhattacharjee told a panchayat workers' rally here. "They are giving Rs 100 crore or Rs 150 crore in phases, but have withheld the main amount," he said. Ministers of state...
Joshi: Punjab denying its poor their due by Amrita Chaudhry
Flaying the Punjab government for its “poor performance in the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) and other welfare schemes, Union Minister for Rural Development and Panchayats P C Joshi said: “By doing so, the Punjab government is denying its poor their due.” In Ludhiana to preside over a meeting of the district-level vigilance and monitoring committee, Joshi said: “Punjab fares even lower than my district, Bhilwara,...
More »Free pricing of urea to rationalise use: Panel
A committee set up by the government has suggested freeing the prices of urea and inclusion of the fertiliser in the new nutrient-based subsidy scheme to discourage its excessive use, stem soil degradation and reduce government subsidy. The panel, led by former agriculture secretary T Nanda Kumar, also recommended a “comparatively higher level” of subsidy for critical nutrients like sulphur, zinc and boron to make them affordable to farmers. The nutrient-based subsidy...
More »Training on MGNREGA and SGSY conducted
One day training on MGNREGA and SGSY for Pfutsero and Kikruma Blocks was held on September 20 at Nazareth Higher Secondary School Hall, Pfutsero. The training was sponsored by DRDA, Phek. 96 participants consisting of VDB Secretaries, VCC, VMC Chairmen (MGNREGA), Field workers/GRS from all the 28 villages attended the training on MGNREGA and another 52 participants representing SHGs and selected beneficiaries (swarosgaris) attended Training on SGSY. Japra Swuro, BDO,...
More »Health care in bad health by Bhupesh Bhandari
The prolonged monsoon and the diseases that come with it have really tested Delhi’s health-care infrastructure. There is a huge shortage of beds in government as well as private hospitals. You can find patients wreathing in fever in the corridors, emergency wards, everywhere. Why aren’t there enough hospitals around? Contrast this with the media: Nowhere in the world will you find so many newspapers, magazines and television channels than India....
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