-The Hindu Hyderabad: The Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) sub-plans, for whose implementation the Government adopted a legislation recently, have finally been named "Indiramma Kalalu (dreams). The implementation of these plans is being launched formally by Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy in West Godavari and Khammam districts on Friday, marking the celebrations of 106th jayanti of late JagjivaN Ram. The Government is taking pride that AP has emerged as the...
India Jobs Program Scam Pays Wages to Dead Workers -Andrew MacAskill, Unni Krishnan & Tushar Dhara
-Bloomberg The corpse of Indian farmer Bengali Singh burned to ash atop a blazing funeral pyre on the banks of the river Ganges in 2006. Five years later, the dead man was recorded as being paid by India's $33 billion rural jobs program to dig an irrigation canal in Jharkhand state. Officials in his village and the surrounding region used at least 500 identities, including those of Singh, a disabled child of...
More »Man penalised for filing 100 RTI applications -Rahul Devulapalli
-The Times of India HYDERABAD: At a time when the central government is formulating ways to 'strengthen' the not-so-adequately used Right to Information Act 2005 (RTI) in the country, here is a man from AP who has been penalised by the state information commission for using the RTI a little too frequently. Turns out that E Sivaramanjaneyulu, a resident of Navapala village in Anantapur district, dashed off over 100 RTI applications,...
More »99% special children like regular school -Anubhuti Vishnoi
-The Indian Express A nationwide study by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) to examine the enrolment, access and retention of children with disabilities (CWD) has revealed that while 99 per cent of these children liked attending regular schools, 57 per cent teachers were not trained to understand their special needs. The study has found that special needs of children with mental illnesses were "neither being identified nor...
More »Mercy denied, Haryana rape convict will hang next week
-The Indian Express Sonepat: Dharampal, the Haryana rape convict who was released on parole and went on to murder five members of the victim's family, is set to be hanged next week. President Pranab Mukherjee has rejected his mercy petition, pending for 14 years. Initially accused of raping a girl in Sonepat in 1991, Dharampal was given a 10-year jail sentence in 1993. He had allegedly threatened the girl against deposing in...
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