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Abroad spectrum by Prabhash Ranjan

Foreign companies affected by 2G verdict can invoke investment treaties The cancellation of the Unified Access Service Licence with 2G spectrum to telecom companies by the Supreme Court is celebrated as a triumph of the rule of law over jobbery and nepotism. Amidst this celebration, it is pertinent to understand the ramifications of the ruling. Since it affects foreign companies like Telenor of Norway, Sistema of Russia, and Etisalat of the...

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Charged with terror, damned by aliases by Vidya Subrahmaniam

Mohammad Aamir had just turned 18, when one February day in 1998, he was ambushed by a police van. A month later, he found himself thrown against the cold, forbidding walls of a prison cell in the capital's Tihar jail. The charges were murder, terrorism and waging war against the nation. Aamir, released in January this year after 14 years, was named the main accused in 20 low-intensity bomb blasts executed...

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Antrix-Devas deal cancelled for national security: V. Narayanasamy

-IANS The central government cancelled the Antrix Corporation-Devas Multimedia deal for reasons of national security and not for purported loss of revenue in sale of spectrum, Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office V. Narayanasamy has said. He also said the government was not discriminating between space scientists and Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officials and, based on their culpability, punitive action would be taken against the latter too. "We did not cancel...

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Opposition to Monsanto patent on Indian melons by Gargi Parsai

Activist Vandana Shiva and an Europe-based NGO have jointly opposed a patent awarded to an American company on virus resistance TRAIts taken from indigenous melon varieties in India. The NGOs — Navdanya and No Patent on Seeds — contend that, armed with this patent, the U.S. company (Monsanto) could block access to all breeding material inheriting the virus resistance derived from the Indian melon. Seeking complete revocation of the patent the NGOs,...

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Carrots? Here’s A Stick! by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta

The PM, Raja, TRAI, telecom firms... the apex court lets no one off the hook The Supreme Court’s stinging judgement against the government in the 2G spectrum scam case is an extremely significant attempt by the country’s highest court to curb the corrupt nexus between business and politics and will further damage the UPA’s already battered credibility. The court’s decision will not merely have far-reaching consequences on India’s political economy,...

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