-The Hindu New Delhi: Against the backdrop of increasing violence against women and children across the country, the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development had launched the ‘Ahimsa Messenger' Programme in last August to address the critical issue at the grass roots level through creating numerous Ahimsa Messengers. The messengers would be generating awareness on basic legal rights, procedures and provisions amongst women and children; they would also serve as link...
UN entities say post-2015 development agenda must address inequity in access to clean water, sanitation
-The United Nations Member States must ensure that the post-2015 development agenda addresses inequalities that prevent millions of people from getting access to basic services, various United Nations entities today stressed. In a joint statement, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Friends of Water, and the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, urged countries to frame the...
More »Preventing teenage pregnancy can add $7.7 bn every year to India's economy: UN
-PTI India could add USD 7.7 billion every year to its economic productivity if its young girls are able to study and work till their 20s instead of becoming mothers at an adolescent age, according to a UN report. The United Nations Population Fund released the 'Motherhood in childhood: facing the challenge of adolescent pregnancy' report which said more than 7.3 million girls in poor countries give birth each year before turning...
More »To India, just for research-Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Top-notch foreign universities are looking to set foot in India to do research but not to open degree programmes, a trend local academics allege is aimed at identifying and luring away Indian talent instead of grooming it. The latest to join the bandwagon is the University of Chicago. It today announced plans for an "India Centre" in Delhi that will start operating from March and look to start...
More »Price rise: Poor man’s curse-L Venkat Ram Reddy
-Deccan Chronicle Hyderabad: The rising prices are driving people from the lower income groups in the city into extreme poverty. These groups earn about Rs 5,000 per month and most of it goes towards house rent and food, leaving nothing for their children's Education and health needs. The rising prices of rice, cereals, vegetables are fo-rcing the urban poor to cut back on the quantity and quality of their food resulting in food...
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