-The Times of India MUMBAI: Market regulator Sebi on Wednesday cracked down on the retail-to-financial services Sahara group and ordered the attachment of all assets of two Sahara group firms, besides freezing their bank accounts and those of their promoters and directors including that of group head Subrata Roy. Sebi's crackdown on the two Sahara group firms—Sahara Housing Investment Corp and Sahara India Real Estate Corp — comes exactly a week after...
Under Supreme Court’s nose, conspiracy hatched to destroy 2G case-Shalini Singh
-The Hindu Tapes suggest prosecutor, accused and star witness colluded to vitiate SC directions to CBI The exposure of an apparent conspiracy between the CBI prosecutor in the 2G scam investigation, A.K. Singh, and the accused Unitech Managing Director, Sanjay Chandra, could have grave consequences since it reveals a deliberate attempt to pull the wool over the Supreme Court’s eyes under whose supervision the entire investigation and prosecution has been occurring since...
More »Political donations to get transparent
-The Times of India MUMBAI: India Inc has had to wait for nearly three years for the government to roll out the rules relating to the functioning of electoral trusts. The rules have been recently notified and come into effect from January 31, 2013. The 2009 Budget had introduced provisions relating to electoral trusts in the Income-tax Act. It provided for tax exemption to electoral trusts which distribute contributions to political parties,...
More »Capitalism and Equality-Prabhat Patnaik
-The Telegraph Even reformed capitalism cannot give equal opportunity There is a view that the real problem with capitalism is that there is no equality of opportunity under this system. Your entire life gets determined by which class you happen to get born into. If the effect of this ‘happenstance’ could somehow be eliminated, so that everyone enjoyed equality of opportunity, then even though income and wealth inequalities continued to remain...
More »Court upholds Andhra law on microfinance-Viswanath Pilla and Dinesh Unnikrishnan
-Live Mint High court asks state to review law in light of proposed national regulations to govern the sector The Andhra Pradesh high court on Monday upheld a law that led to the near demise of the microfinance industry towards the end of 2010, but asked the state government to review the legislation in the light of proposed national regulations to govern the sector. News of the review sent the stock of the...
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