-PTI There are only 1.48 crore or 8.29 per cent of rural households where the monthly income of such member was Rs 10,000 or more. The highest earning member in about three-fourths of all rural households in the country made less than Rs 5,000 per month, according to the Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011 released on Friday. As per the Census data, there were 13.34 crore or 74.49 per cent households...
Govt bites the bullet on subsidies, to use SECC data that excludes 40% households -Elizabeth Roche & Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com All future allocations to poverty alleviation schemes will be based on Socio Economic and Caste Census findings New Delhi: The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government on Friday signalled a radical regime change in its spending on entitlements. The government released provisional data from the first Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) in seven decades and declared that it will form the basis for all future allocations under poverty alleviation programmes funded by...
More »8 Indian states = 25 African nations: Oxford study on poverty -Prasun Sonwalkar
-Hindustan Times London: There are 1.6 billion people living in multidimensional poverty across the world and nearly 440 million of them are in eight large Indian states, according to a new analysis using a unique index developed at the University of Oxford. The eight Indian states that have similar number of poor as in 25 African countries are Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Odisha, Rajasthan and West Bengal. The poorest...
More »Socio Economic Caste Census: In villages, one in three households in poverty; over a fifth SC/STs -Ruhi Tewari
-The Indian Express Information was collected on a range of parameters at the individual and household levels like occupation, education, disability, religion, SC/ST status and employment. Nearly one in every three rural households still have an uncertain source of income and continue to live in one-room kutcha houses, according to the findings of the first national Socio Economic Caste Census (SECC). Officials told The Indian Express that these households — 31.26 per...
More »The Importance of Being 'Rurban': Tracking Changes in a Traditional Setting -Dipankar Gupta
-Economic and Political Weekly A categorical distinction is facing rough weather--that between urban and rural. If we take just agriculture, there is so much of the outside world that comes in not just as external markets but as external inputs. Further, many of our villages barely qualify as rural if we were to take occupation alone. So the earlier line that separated the farmer from the worker in towns is slowly...
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