-Press release by Food and Land Use Coalition dated 10 January 2020 India can ensure healthy diets for its growing population, improve LIvelihoods and plug waste by adopting better food and land use practices New Delhi, January 10, 2020 – With a population projected to reach 1.5 billion people by 2030, and climate risks threatening food security, LIvelihoods, water supply and human health, India needs to urgently shift to sustainable food...
In the farmer's name -Ajay Vir Jakhar
-The Indian Express Farmer unions need to expand the scope of their advocacy. Every day, a gold miner in Russia leaves a mine with a wheelbarrow full of sand. Every day, the guard thoroughly checks the sand. On his retirement day, the guard asks the worker, “I know you have been stealing something, but can’t figure out what it is”. The worker whispers back, “I wasn’t hiding anything in the sand,...
More »How many farmer producer companies are there in India? -Annapurna Neti and Richa Govil
-TheWire.in Given the increased policy and intervention focus on producer companies, it becomes imperative to understand exactly how many there are. On July 5, 2019, the Centre announced a plan to promote 10,000 new farmer producer companies over the next five years. India already has many such companies, which have been registered since they were introduced in 2002 through an amendment to the Companies Act. While registered under that Act, they have several...
More »Farmers' Movements call for protests across the country on October 24, 2019 against RCEP Free Trade Agreement
-Press release by Alliance for Sustainable & Holistic Agriculture (ASHA) dated 6 October, 2019 Farmers’ movements are inviting all citizens, social organisations and people’s movements of India to hold protests all over the country on the 24th of October 2019, against the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Free Trade Agreement. The Indian government is negotiating RCEP with 15 other countries including ASEAN countries along with large industrial economies like China, Japan, South...
More »Mega challenges of rural-urban migration -Santosh Mehrotra
-The Hindu Business Line A dispersed pattern of urbanisation leads to sprawl with higher motorisation and pollution. A new urban vision is needed India’s demographic dividend cannot be realised if young entrants to the labour force as well as potential migrants from agriculture do not gain new LIvelihoods. Hastening of the structural transformation brings with it three mega-challenges for policy-makers: employment of migrants; growing urbanisation; and ensuring better education and vocational training...
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