-The Hindu Allocation for existing scheme slashed The Centre has allocated Rs.500 crore for a new pension scheme for workers in the unorganised sector, even while reducing its allocation for an existing pension scheme by Rs.775 crore. The new scheme, to be called the Pradhan Mantri Shram-Yogi Maandhan, will benefit unorganised sector workers who have a monthly income up to Rs.15,000. It will provide them a monthly pension of ?3,000 from the age...
Budget 2019: Pension Scheme for Unorganised Workers Is Yet Another Illusion -Sudhir Katiyar
-TheWire.in The new scheme, similar to other programmes launched by the Modi government, shows how divorced Lutyens Delhi is from the dust and grime of real India. The NDA government in its last budget before the election has announced an ambitious pension scheme for unorganised sector workers. Given its tendency for hyperbole, the scheme is already being touted as the largest pension scheme in the world with 100 million potential beneficiaries. It would...
More »Over 18 million jobs created in 15 months till Nov 2018: Central Statistics Office report
-PTI The study showed that employment generation in the formal sector increased by 48 per cent to touch a 15-month high of 7.32 lakh in November 2018 as compared to 4.93 lakh in the year-ago month, as per EPFO payroll data released earlier this month. More than 18 million jobs were generated by the country’s formal sector in a 15-month period starting September 2017 and ending November 2018, suggests a study based...
More »Jean Dreze, the Belgian-Indian economist, interviewed by Ujjawal Krishnam (National Herald)
-National Herald Well-known Belgian-Indian economist Jean Drèze, reflects on the times we live in this animated conversation with Ujjawal Krishnam Jean Drèze, the Belgian-Indian economist, true to his reputation, laces humour and an acerbic wit to reflect on the times we live in. Self deprecating, he brushes aside the question how he juggles between his roles as economist, activist and teacher. He wonders at the multi-tasking ability of Indian women instead. Nor...
More »Can India's draft labour code really bring Social security to its informal workers? -Aarefa Johari
-Scroll.in Trade unionists fear a large part of the unorganised sector might be left out of the ambit of the government’s labour code on Social security. Rekha Patil, a vegetable seller on a footpath in suburban Mumbai, is a small part of India’s vast informal economy. Her husband, a farmer in Palghar, about 110 km north of Mumbai, has an unreliable income. But Patil’s earnings of Rs 350 a day barely sustain...
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