-The Hindu Autopsies not completed as victims' relatives demand calling specialists from AIIMS in Delhi Tension in the violence-hit Gopalgarh town of Bharatpur district escalated on Monday with a five-member medical team from Jaipur failing to conduct autopsies on five of the eight victims of this past Wednesday's clash following objections raised by their kin. The bodies are kept in the mortuary at Bharatpur Government Hospital. State Chief Secretary S. Ahmed had announced...
World leaders must take binding steps to curb unhealthy food industry–UN expert
-The United Nations A United Nations human rights expert today called for taxing unhealthy food, regulating harmful marketing practices and standing up to the food industry, urging world leaders not to miss the chance at a summit next week to end a state of affairs that kills nearly 3 million adults each year. “Voluntary guidelines are not enough. World leaders must not bow to industry pressure,” Special Rapporteur on the Right to...
More »Firing, violence by police denied
-The Hindu Tension persists in Gopalgarh town of Rajasthan despite relaxation in curfew Amid the continuing tension in Gopalgarh town of Bharatpur district despite relaxation in curfew, the Rajasthan Government on Sunday categorically denied that the police had resorted to indiscriminate firing at the Jama Masjid or joined the violent crowd of Gujjars in lynching and burning alive the people praying in the mosque this past Wednesday. The denial issued through the State's...
More »Modi bribed my lawyers to derail petition: Mallika Sarabhai by Manas Dasgupta
Opening a new chapter of charges against Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, this time for attempting to subvert the judicial process, the noted danseuse and social activist Mallika Sarabhai claimed that the Chief Minister had “bribed” her lawyers to derail her Public Interest Litigation petition before the Supreme Court on the 2002 communal riots in the State. Ms. Sarabhai told a hurriedly convened media conference on Sunday that an affidavit filed...
More »Battle against deadly lifestyle diseases figures high on UN agenda next week
-The United Nations The United Nations is set to launch an all-out attack next week on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), bringing together dozens of heads of State to promote the lifestyle changes needed to curb the soaring toll of a scourge that already causes over 63 per cent of all the world’s deaths. The high level General Assembly meeting, held at the start of its annual General Debate on Monday and Tuesday, is...
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