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Telling the right reform from the wrong -Pramathesh Ambasta

-The Indian Express Moves to dilute labour-material ratio in MGNREGA and focus exclusively on select backward blocks will adversely impact rural poor. Before the general elections, free-market fundamentalists had lobbied fiercely to reshape so-called wasteful social-sector expenditures. Primary among their targets was the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), which, according to them, should become an unconditional cash transfer scheme. Post-elections, the late Gopinath Munde's espousal of the MGNREGA went...

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Dharavi's grit-Coming soon to an app store near you -MarishaThakur

-DNA Algebra and English have been just some of the stumbling blocks for the young girls of Dharavi. But that didn't stop them from developing prototype apps to resolve the daily problems that plague their neighbourhood, finds Marisha Karwa Sapna's hair is neatly parted at the centre, each side braided into a double plait, tightly held in place at the top by red, organza ribbons. The Class 9 student of Mahim's...

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Economists ask PM not to dilute NREGS, Gadkari says focus on needy areas -Vivek Deshpande and Surabhi

-The Indian Express As leading economists urged the Prime Minister not to dilute the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme saying it provides economic security to millions, Union Minister for Rural Development Nitin Gadkari justified the Centre's decision to restrict the focus of the job scheme to the "most backward and needy" districts and reduce the labour-material ratio from 60:40 to 51:49. Denying any move to reduce compensation for lack of...

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‘Malnourishment declined sharply among children in India’ -Rukmini S

-The Hindu A new provisional data from a survey conducted by the government and UNICEF shows The proportion of underweight children in India might have declined from 45.1 per cent in 2005-6 to a historic low of 30.7 per cent last year, new provisional data from a survey conducted by the government and UNICEF shows. Since 2005-6, there has been no new data on child and adult weights and heights, key in determining...

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Food for hidden hunger -Dipa Sinha

-Livemint Hidden hunger can be addressed by ensuring that households (and women and children within households) have access to diverse diets Minister for women and child development Maneka Gandhi recently announced that her ministry would urgently put together a comprehensive, time-bound action plan to tackle malnutrition. This is a welcome step and hopefully this time around, such a plan will be more than superficial statements of intent and actually make a difference...

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