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Will class politics replace caste politics in India? -Rahul Verma and Ankita Barthwal Politics in India has been based on caste in recent decades. But a rising middle class and INCreasing inequality within caste groups is paving the way for a class-based faultline. One cliché looms large in every election campaign in India: that caste politics may finally give way to class politics. But as counting begins on the day of the election verdict, caste subsumes every other factor, even in serious analyses of...

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Number of underweight children in India INCreased in 7 of 10 major states sINCe 2015-16: Survey The number of kids with stunted growth has also gone up in six of these states. The number of underweight children in India has INCreased in seven of 10 major states in the past four years, while the number of kids with stunted growth has gone up in six of these states, according to the National Family Health Survey for 2019-20. The survey, released on Saturday, was conducted by the Union Ministry...

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Comprehensive reforms, not just CCTVs, can end custodial torture -Aishwarya Mohanty and Neetika Vishwanath

-The Indian Express The realities of torture and its prosecution in India would temper our expectations from this one development. The Supreme Court needs to ensure robust implementation of its order and simultaneously plug the gaps so that INCidents of torture are curtailed. In a bid to curb torture, a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court recently mandated that CCTV cameras be installed in police stations and offices of other investigative agencies....

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‘Hunger watch’ survey: In Gujarat, ‘21 pc had to sleep without single meal amid pandemic’

-The Indian Express Nearly 38 per cent respondents shared that their consumption of rice/wheat had decreased while 40.7 per cent said their consumption of pulses had come down and 57.6 per cent said their consumption of vegetables had reduced. Ahmedabad: The ‘Hunger watch’ survey carried out by Anna Suraksha Adhikar Abhiyan (ASAA), Gujarat to track the hunger situation amongst vulnerable and marginalised communities amid the of Covid-19 pandemic revealed that 20.6 per...

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India’s GDP to contract eight per cent, set to be worst performer in South Asia

-The New Indian Express Bangladesh will post the best growth in the region growing at 5.2 per cent on the back of revived exports, said the Asian Development Bank in its Asian Development Outlook. NEW DELHI:  India’s GDP is expected to contract by 8 per cent in the current financial year and will be the worst performer in South Asia barring Maldives. Bangladesh will post the best growth in the region growing at...

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