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MSP is Insurance Against Anarchy in Future: Economist Sukhpal Singh -Ajaz Ashraf Answers to all the questions you are likely to have about the Minimum Support Price and the controversy surrounding it. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s hope that his promise to repeal the three new farm laws will have the protesting farmers to promptly fold their tents and leave Delhi has been belied. The farmer unions have instead declared that they are not going to call off their one-year stir until the Union...

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Who will introduce reforms in APMCs? -Radheshyam Jadhav

-The Hindu Business Line In Maharashtra, farmers have no right to decide the price of their own produce When farmers like Suresh Solanke enter the premises of the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) at Dharur in Beed district of Maharashtra, they are not sure what will happen to their produce. Like all other APMCs in the State, the APMC at Dharur is dominated by politicians, who act as directors and run the show...

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More than half of India's children and women anaemic: NFHS-5 survey -Ruchika Chitravanshi

-Business Standard On a positive note, the number of women aged 15-49 having bank or savings accounts they themselves used, rises to 78.6% compared to 58% in the previous survey; improvement in nutrition among kids and adults Anaemia among children and adults has worsened, with more than half of women and children reported to be anaemic in the fifth national family health survey 2019-21 of fourteen states released on Wednesday. Among children from...

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MSP won’t bankrupt India. It’s complex, but so is disinvestment -Yogendra Yadav Debunking six myths about the MSP for BJP and allies, free-market wallahs, and ecological warriors. A spectre is haunting India’s ruling class – the spectre of MSP. Over the last few days, various sections of this ruling class – political allies of the Bharatiya Janata Party, economic ideologues of free-market and some ecological warriors – have entered into an unholy alliance to exorcise this spectre and stymie the possibility of India’s...

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Farm Laws: Is MSP guarantee really the elixir that Indian agriculture needs? -Shagun Kapil

-Down to Earth The concept is unreasonable and will be detrimental to the country’s agricultural system, feel experts On November 19, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the decision to repeal the three farm laws, he also stated that the government would form a committee to discuss how the system of minimum support price (MSP) could be more effective. One of the key demands of the protesting farmers is that MSP is provided...

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