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Bid to escape blame for tragedy on tracks

-PTI Most of the dead were migrant labourers from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Fifty-seven people were injured Amritsar: The railways were not informed about the trackside Dussehra event, nor was permission sought from the civic body, officials said a day after a train mowed down 59 revellers during a Ravan Dahan near Amritsar. Residents of the area, Joda Phatak, asserted that the event, which involves the burning of Ravan’s effigy, had been going...

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Fines fail to deter stubble burning -Jacob Koshy

-The Hindu Farm equipment which can root out this practice not universally accessible despite govt. subsidy Patiala: Between September 27 and October 14, the Punjab Pollution Control Board (PPCB) imposed Rs. 8,92,500 as fines — or “environmental compensation cess” as it is officially called — on farmers burning paddy stubble. However, they collected only Rs. 3,05,000, according to figures from the organisation. “The fines are collected over time … frequently the farmers don’t...

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How have house prices changed in your city? -Varun B Krishnan

-The Hindu Housing prices have increased in the first quarter of 2018-19 compared to the same period in 2017-18, according to the Reserve Bank of India's latest House Price Index (HPI) release. HPI is an indicator of change in housing prices. This means that if the HPI has increased, house prices have increased on an average, and vice versa. It takes into account the average price of houses per square metre, size...

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Eco-friendly farmers in 'model' Punjab village don't burn crop stubble, plough it back to soil -Manish Sirhindi

-The Times of India PATIALA: When smoke from burning paddy stubble was choking Delhi last year, one small village near Nabha in Punjab was doing its bit to keep the air clean. Not a straw was burnt in Kalar Majra, where 60 families farm about 700 acres. “The government chose our village as a model, and gave all the machinery needed to manage the crop residue,” says Bir Dalvinder Singh, a Kalar...

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Narendra Modi Could Have Learnt so Much From GD Agarwal. But It's Too Late Now. -Rohit Kumar While the PM proclaimed in 2014 that ‘Maa Ganga had called him’ and spent the next four years spending close to Rs 5,000 crore publicising himself and advertising his intentions, the other man led a life of near-obscurity working away year after year for the cause of a cleaner Ganga. The act of public fasting has been so completely reduced to political gimmickry in recent times that it barely registers in...

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