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Big questions for our generation -Barkha Deva

-The Hindu The manner in which crucial laws are being amended will end up eroding rights that have deep consequences on the lives of our children and us as citizens of a thriving democracy. All because the state hasn’t been able to deliver what it was mandated to do. The last few months have seen an alarming trend of crucial laws being amended, or sought to be amended, in a manner that...

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Crop insurance or deficiency payments? -Sukhpal Singh The most glaring implication of the proposed deficiency payments is that it makes the state give up its responsibility of intervening in markets During the past few months, there has been a highly contested debate on the merits, viability and feasibility of crop insurance in India given the large number of small farmers and the large amount of subsidy involved that is not being effectively used as the coverage of...

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Urban flood management in Delhi's changing climate -Vijay C Roy

-Business Standard Evidence on increasing risk should be tipping scale for the government New Delhi: At the COP21 talks in Paris, Chennai had been brought up as an unfortunate exhibit of the perfect storm triggered by climate change and indiscriminate urban planning. While India is already driving the conversation about the global effort to climate-proofing, hopefully the impact of this latest flood will also force its leadership to SIT up and take...

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This ‘water ATM’ in a tiny Pen village dispenses 20 litres for Rs 10 -Vijay Singh

-The Times of India NAVI MUMBAI: Borze, a tiny village in the water-starved Pen taluka of Raigad district, stopped waiting for the state government and their local politician of various hues to give them the much-needed clean water. Instead, the villagers recently tied up with a private company to set up an innovative "water ATM" that locals refer to as "ATW," or any time water. This is the first time in the...

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WTO talks conclude, leaves India disappointed

-ANI Talks conclude without any commitment on rich countries being asked to check their domestic subsidies After hectic negotiations for five consecutive days, the WTO Trade Ministers concluded their talks last evening without any commitment on rich countries being asked to check their domestic subsidies. India has expressed its disappointment over non-reaffirmation to conclude 14-year-old Doha Round pacts, even as WTO meeting in Nairobi managed to win a commitment to allow developing nations...

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