-The Times of India In a stunning twist to the 2G case, an audio tape of a CBI senior public prosecutor purportedly advising a key accused on how to counter prosecution's charge has emerged, breathing fresh life into the mega-swindle and bringing fresh trouble for the government. The tape sent to the CBI anonymously has the agency's senior public prosecutor A K Singh speaking to Sanjay Chandra, MD of Unitech and...
The Doctor Only Knows Economics-Lola Nayar and Amba Batra Bakshi
-Outlook This could be the UPA’s worst cut to its beloved aam admi. Healthcare has virtually been handed over to privateers. Not For Those Who Need It Most Govt seems to have abandoned healthcare to the private sector Diagnosing An Ailing Republic 70 per cent of India still lives in the villages, where only two per cent of qualified allopathic doctors are available Due to lack of access to medical care, rural India...
More »Shell India accused of tax evasion-Utpal Bhaskar, Remya Nair and Amrit Raj
-Live Mint Income-tax department says firm had underpriced intragroup share transfer by Rs 15,000 cr and evaded taxes consequently The Indian arm of Royal Dutch Shell Plc , Shell India Pvt. Ltd, has been accused by the income-tax (I-T) authorities of underpricing an intragroup share transfer by ` 15,000 crore and consequently evading taxes, said a person familiar with the development. Following the notice, which is one of the biggest transfer pricing orders...
More »Ashis Nandy’s corruption theory is a load of bull -R Jagannathan
-First Post Here’s the real reason why sociologist Ashis Nandy should be in the dock of public criticism. There is almost no evidence whatsoever to substantiate his observation that the backward classes and Dalits are seen as more corrupt because they are less good at hiding it than their upper class compatriots. Nandy is facing police investigations for saying at the Jaipur Literary Festival (JLF) last week that “most of the corrupt...
More »Wrong prescription-Jay Desai
-The Hindu By opting for a U.S.-style medical care model, India is endangering its universal health coverage goal, and paving the way for a corporatised, for-profit system As India continues to debate how best to implement universal health coverage, two recent and seemingly unrelated news items need to be analysed carefully. The first one pertains to a report released earlier this year by the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine in...
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