-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Wednesday directed the Chief Secretaries of all the States to specify how much additional foodgrains were required for them under the Public Distribution System to ensure that there was no starvation death. A Bench of Justices Dalveer Bhandari and Deepak Verma, passing orders on a petition filed by the People's Union for Civil Liberties on streamlining of the PDS, granted two weeks for the States for...
The PDS is not failing or ailing by Ria Singh Sawhney
A survey conducted across nine states by the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and Allahabad University suggests that the much maligned system has revived, prodded by politics, good governance and the apex court. It also found the poor to be averse to cash transfers Kotri is a mid-sized village in Desuri block (Pali district, Rajasthan), about 15 kilometres away from the nearest large bus stand and market place. We walked to...
More »Now, get info about ration through SMS alerts
-The Pioneer Consumers of public distribution system are going to get information while sitting in their homes about availability of ration at the fair price shops of their respective areas. The State Government is set to implement SMS Alert scheme in this connection soon. With this in view, September 22 has been fixed as the last date for giving concrete shape to the tenders of service provider companies. State Civil Supplies Corporation...
More »The PDS in Rural Orissa: Against the Grain? by Ankita Aggarwal
A report from a sample survey of the functioning of the public distribution system in 12 villages in two districts in Orissa, a state usually associated with a poor PDS. While there are errors in exclusion and inclusion of households covered, there has been a vast improvement in operation of the PDS; below the poverty line households seem to be receiving their entitlements. The households also express a strong preference...
More »Dividing the poor by TK Rajalakshmi
The flawed Bill on food security has not received the kind of publicity that the Lokpal Bill has, but that does not diminish its significance. “THIS government has divided everything and everyone. There are different cards for different sections of the poor. If my employer, taking pity on me, gives me an old television, I am not entitled to a yellow card [Below Poverty Line card]. My son who is...
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