-Gaon Connection While the central government continues to assure farmers that it will stand by the minimum support price of Rs 1,888 per quintal, farmers are being compelled to sell their paddy at Rs 1,200 a quintal or less. Jarnail Singh from Kabirganj in Pilibhit district in Uttar Pradesh has just returned from Paliya Mandi a dejected man. The 50-year-old was unable to sell his 250 quintals of ‘good Quality’ paddy. “I...
India's Small Schools are Failing to Provide Equal Education to Rural Children -Tanoj Meshram
-News18.com The new National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020 hereafter) has rekindled the debate on the various kinds of problems in Indian education. One of the problems which has bothered me is the need for reforms in rural government elementary schools, more specifically the need for addressing the problem of sub-optimal schooling experiences and poor learning outcomes of poor rural children. The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2014 brought out...
More »Arsenic-affected habitations in India up 145% in last 5 yrs - Shagun Kapil
-Down to Earth The country had 1,800 arsenic-affected habitations in 2015. This increased to 4,421 as on September 17 The number of arsenic-affected habitations in the country increased by 145 per cent in the last five years, according to data shared with the Parliament September 18, 2020. The country had 1,800 arsenic-affected habitations in 2015. This increased to 4,421 as on September 17, 2020, according to a reply given to Lok Sabha by...
More »MILES TO GO… Organic and natural farming still have a lot of ground to cover in India, says new CSE report
-Centre for Science and Environment * Niti Aayog vice chairperson Rajiv Kumar releases the report, which provides the real picture of organic farming in India: only 2 per cent of India’s net sown area organically farmed, and a mere 1.3 per cent of farmers registered to do organic farming * Organic and natural farming must be upscaled to make Indian agriculture sustainable, says the report * Needs to be turned into a mass...
More »Move to raise women’s age of marriage reflects punitive paternalism -Sunny Jose
-The Indian Express The proposed policy, instead of addressing the causes and consequences of under-age marriages, may instead produce adverse, suboptimal outcomes affecting the poor and marginalised the most. Should women’s legal age for marriage be raised? The answer to this seemingly simple question is not so simple, because the question is not simply about replacing age 18 with 21. Rather, it deals with the social origins of a “problem” not easily...
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