-The Indian Express New Delhi: In the Manmohan Singh PMO, the CPIO was K Salil Kumar and the First Appellate Authority was Krishna Kumar. Moments after Narendra Modi took oath on May 26, the Prime Minister's Office instantly launched a new version of its website http://www.pmindia.gov.in and http://www.pmindia.nic.in but 15 days later it's yet to disclose key details required under the Right to Information Act. These include: names of officers designated as Central Public Information...
Foundation for Media Professionals
The FMP is an effort to celebrate the romance of journalism. Journalistic collectives have so far either been watering holes or trade unions. It is an organization dedicated to media freedom and quality journalism. Editors have a guild. Owners, whether of newspapers or TV Channels have associations to lobby their interests. But there is no association that cuts across mediums to champion issues of professional interest to journalists. FMP is...
More »How I&B ministry milked DD, AIR for serials, bulletins on UPA schemes -Archna Shukla
-The Indian Express According to the I&B ministry, DD and AIR were paid Rs 45.67 crore for advertisements and advertorials run under the campaign. As a last push to help the UPA wade through the elections, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting employed the entire media machinery at its disposal, including Doordarshan (DD) and All India Radio (AIR), to tom-tom the government's welfare and development initiatives. Besides paying for direct advertising spots and...
More »News space on sale-Divya Trivedi
-Frontline Political parties flush with funds provided by corporate houses are winning over journalists, and some news organisations are creating packages for election coverage, making the phenomenon of ‘paid news' all pervasive. THE credibility of journalism and journalists has been greatly undermined by the scourge of cash for coverage, a much-abhorred sickness in the profession worldwide. News space on television, radio and newsprint is compromised with impunity with blatant advertising parading...
More »El Nino likely to cause loss of Rs 1,80,000 crore this year: ASSOCHAM -Soma Basu
-Down to Earth Studies indicate high food inflation As Met office predicts below normal rainfall because of El Nino this year, a study by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) has projected a 1.75 per cent GDP reduction and loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs in the unskilled sector. The report released recently says that five per cent deficit rainfall forecast by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) will...
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