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data Set for Modi's '7 Million Jobs' Claim Badly Maintained, '30-40% Unclean' -Somesh Jha Business Standard The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation data analysed by researchers showed that in some cases, members have received contributions even before their joining date. New Delhi: A presentation made by State Bank of India chief economist Soumya Kanti Ghosh and Indian Institute of Management-Bangalore professor Pulak Ghosh to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in January captured how subscriber data is shoddily maintained by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) –...

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Labour Bureau's new report indicate layoffs of casual & contract workers in Q1 of 2017-18

  The declining trend in organized sector employment (i.e. in establishments employing 10 or more workers) continued in the first quarter of 2017-18. The sixth round of the Quarterly Report on Employment Scenario in selected sectors (as on 1st July, 2017), which was released in February this year, confirms this. The Labour Bureau’s latest report says that the net number of jobs created in the 8 major sectors of the economy was...

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Manufacturing sector reported loss of 87,000 jobs from April to June 2017: Labour Bureau data There was a loss of 12,000 jobs in the corresponding period in 2016. The manufacturing sector reported a loss of 87,000 jobs between April and June 2017, the sixth round of the Labour Bureau’s Quarterly Employment Survey shows. Of those who lost their jobs, 65,000 were men and 22,000 women. There was a loss of 12,000 jobs in the corresponding period in 2016. The survey, which looked at data from eight sectors...

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7 mn jobs in FY18? An 'independent study' with government's hand-holding -Somesh Jha

-Business Standard EPFO data given to non-government researchers for the first time. EPFO was unaware of the access The study that claimed 7 million people would be added to the payroll in 2017-18 was triggered by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), which had asked the NITI Aayog last October to give “quick indicators for direct or indirect reflections on employment data” to be able to arrive at “desired trends in employment at...

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Too clever by half? -Venkatesh Athreya Despite its deeply flawed neoliberal perspective, Economic Survey 2017-18 is rich in detail, has many useful analytical discussions at different levels of aggregation, and would serve as a useful resource for students and scholars. When Arvind Subramanian, the present Chief Economic Adviser to the Ministry of Finance who took office way back in October 2014, presented his first Economic Survey, the one for 2014-15, there was considerable novelty on offer, at...

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