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Water levels in 91 major reservoirs alarmingly low -Samarth Bansal

-The Hindu Central Water Commission data on live storage show that only 23 per cent of capacity is available, and this is well below last year. Water levels in major reservoirs of the country are alarmingly low, weekly data released by Central Water Commission (CWC) shows. CWC, a technical organisation under the aegis of Ministry of Water Resources, River development and Ganga Rejuvenation, monitors live storage status of 91 major reservoirs in the...

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Grain vanishes from Punjab godowns; may burn Rs 12,000-crore hole in bank books -Sangita Mehta & MC Govardhana Rangan

-The Economic Times MUMBAI: The splotch of red ink on bank balance sheets is set to become bigger as a new scandal in the form of disappearing food stocks in Punjab godowns threatens to burn a Rs 12,000-crore hole in their books and embarrass the Parkash Singh Badal administration. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has ordered all banks with exposure to the Punjab government's food borrowing programme to provide for potential...

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Every birth, every mother, matters -Cyril Engmann

-The Hindu Business Line Timely interventions through medical innovations can transform the lives of mothers and children, not simply save them A couple of years ago, I was in a primary health centre delivery room in Shivgarh and saw a beaming mother with her three-hour-old baby girl happily feeding at the breast. Three hours earlier, this contented baby was born without a cry, still, and blue in colour. Fortunately, the midwife present,...

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Rebooting India’s agricultural policy -Himanshu The efforts of the government in revamping the crop insurance and land titling schemes are long-term solutions which will take time to bear results The agricultural sector is facing its worst moment in the last three decades. The last time India saw such distress caused by back-to-back deficient rains was during the drought of 1986-87 and 1987-88. The severity of the situation is evident from the stories of migration and...

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Planting a Seed of Hope -Usha Rai

-The Indian Express A new initiative attempts to economically empower villagers living near Kanha National Park, and protect its green cover and wildlife. The Kanha–Pench forest corridor is rich in biodiversity and home to a large concentration of tigers, leopards, gaurs, barasingha, and cheetal. But with the population of the villages increasing and land holdings shrinking, conservation efforts were paramount. If the needs of the villagers for improved livelihoods are not...

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