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Playing with numbers, and lives by Brinda Karat

The Planning Commission, headed by the prime minister, has filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court quantifying the daily poverty line for an adult as Rs 26 in rural, and Rs 32 in urban India. At today’s relentlessly increasing prices, Rs 26 will not get a manual worker even one nutritious meal a day — leave alone the 2,400 calories he is required to eat to enable him to work,...

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High prices:India calls for improved farm productivity at G-24

-PTI   Terming high global commodity prices a "grave threat", Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee has called for developing countries to increase their investments in agriculture to improve crop productivity. "The recent commodity and food price rise and their volatility constitute a grave threat to economic growth and food security in our economies," Mukherjee said at a meeting of G-24 Finance Ministers here last evening. He took over as the new chairman of the group...

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Why We Oppose Biotechnology Regulation Bill by Bharat Dogra

The Union Government has prepared the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India Bill, 2001 (BRAI in brief) for the regulation of the biotechnology sector in India. While the need for strong and careful regulation certainly exists keeping in view the serious threats posed to health and environment by the genetically modified (GM) crops, the BRAI can actually increase this threat by paving the way for the rapid spread of GM crops...

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Government in damage control mode; no decision on BPL yet by Smita Gupta

Planning Commission affidavit not to be taken as the last word' An embarrassed government swung into damage control mode on Wednesday, in response to widespread criticism of an affidavit filed by the Planning Commission that suggested that an individual income of just Rs 25 a day constituted adequate “private expenditure on food, education and health,” at a time when even the minimum wage was pegged at over Rs.100 a day, the...

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Teach People to Fish

-The Economic Times   The Planning Commission's affidavit to the Supreme Court that anyone with a monthly expenditure of more than Rs 965 in urban areas and Rs 781 in rural areas would be deemed 'not poor' has been greeted with howls of indignation. Rightly so! Though both numbers - adjusted for inflation - are an improvement over the Tendulkar Committee's numbers of Rs 447 a month in rural areas and Rs...

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