Total Matching Records found : 2796

SC dip in classrooms

The fraction of Scheduled Caste children enrolled in schools is dropping even though Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes are improving their presence in admission rosters, the government’s latest statistics show. The number of enrolled Scheduled Caste children for every hundred students has dropped for a second consecutive year, the statistics released today by the National University for Educational Planning and Administration revealed. The statistics were collected by the district information system...

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EC admits misplacing complaint

The Election Commission has admitted that it misplaced two complaints drawing the panel’s attention to the use of child labour in elections and Dalits being denied entry in some Rajasthan booths. Acting on one of the complaints by advocate Radhakant Tripathy, the commission had issued an order on May 1, 2009, to all state chief secretaries and chief electoral officers to desist from employing child labour in the election process. However,...

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Centre evolves scheme for extending MNREGA scope by K Balchand

After deliberating for well over seven months, the Union government has eventually evolved a scheme to extend the scope of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) on individual land holdings with Rs. 1.5 lakh as the upper limit of expenditure. The Rural Development Ministry has prepared a draft guideline, detailing not only the works that could be taken up for implementation but also the conditions to govern the...

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SCs, STs in BPL list under study by K Balchand

The Centre is contemplating direct inclusion of the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and minorities in the next below poverty line (BPL) list for entitlement of benefits under social welfare schemes. Inaugurating the two-day 10th Editors Conference on Social Sector Issues 2010 here on Monday, Minister for Rural Development C.P. Joshi said his Ministry was formulating the methodology and criteria to identify families to be included in the BPL list. The objective...

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Patna unplugged by NK Singh

Is Bihar on steroids, boosted by an excessive stimulus of dramatically higher public outlays than ever in the past? Like all stimulus, does it also bear the danger of slumping back when it is withdrawn? Is the widely acclaimed growth turnaround a durable and sustainable one? These are among the many issues, which are currently being debated. But first the facts. Bihar is the best turnaround story that the country has seen...

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