-The Hindu Business Line Govt move to clear grain stocks with FCI; Corpn holding 2.6 times the buffer norm In an article dated January 6, 2020 (MSP hike leaves FCI with mountain of grains), BusinessLine had indicated that FCI may have to sell a significant amount of its rice stock in the open market if it has to make room for fresh procurement of paddy and wheat. The time for this has...
'Open more PRIvate hospitals in next five years, make healthcare a fundamental right': Panel -Sumi Sukanya Dutta
-The New Indian Express The committee recommended that the number of MBBS and PG seats in the country be made equal by 2025, along with shifting healthcare from the state list to the concurrent list in the Constitution. NEW DELHI: A high-level panel on reforms in the health sector has come up with radical suggestions like shifting healthcare from the state list to the concurrent list in the Constitution, opening over 3,000-5,000...
More »Is MGNREGS the answer to the rural slowdown? -Sneha Alexander & Nikita Kwatra
-Livemint.com MGNREGS could alleviate rural distress but, in its current form, its overall impact on the rural economy is limited in scope With rural distress deepening across India and PRIvate consumption growing anaemically, calls for ramping up the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), are growing louder ahead of the upcoming budget. Proponents of MGNREGS believe that it may be the only ammunition in the government’s arsenal to fight rural...
More »Killer hospitals: PRImary healthcare key to curb child deaths -PRIya Ranjan Sahu
-Down to Earth Doctors at Odisha’s Vimsar hospital say if PRImary healthcare improves, the death toll at bigger hospitals would be fewer The lack of PRImary healthcare facilities leads to an increase in the number of infant deaths at bigger hospitals, a case study from Odisha shows. Seventeen per cent of the infants (one year-olds) admitted to the Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Science and Research (Vimsar) at Burla in Odisha’s Sambalpur...
More »India drops 10 places in Democracy Index in 'tumultuous year' for Asia -Rezaul H Laskar
-Hindustan Times The Democracy Index referred to the changes in Jammu and Kashmir and the controversial implementation of the (NRC) in Assam. India dropped 10 places in the Democracy Index’s global ranking to 51st place, with the survey describing the erosion of civil liberties in the country as the PRImary cause of the democratic regression. The Democracy Index - prepared by Economist Intelligence Unit, the research and analysis division of The Economist Group...
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