Total Matching Records found : 2819

Piracy of old Indian knowledge rising by Rashme Sehgal

Biopiracy in the field of medicine is on the rise with Europe and the US being granted 2,000 patents every year for drugs based on Indian traditional systems of medicine. These patents are being granted by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTP), the European Patent Office (EPO) and other overseas patent offices. This startling claim was made by forests and environment minister Jairam Ramesh on Monday. It is to reverse...

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UN opens Biodiversity Year with plea to save world's life-supporting ecosystems

In a bid to curb the unprecedented loss of the world's species due to human activity – at a rate some experts put at 1,000 times the natural progression – the United Nations is marking 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity, with a slew of events highlighting the vital role the phenomenon plays in maintaining the life support system on Planet Earth. “Humans are part of nature's rich diversity...

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Genetic history by Jacob P Koshy

In 2010, subject to government approvals, Indian farmers will seed their fields with transgenic brinjals—brinjals with a genetic variant that, courtesy Monsanty-Mahyco Ltd and a clutch of agricultural universities, protect them from insects. But 14 years ago, Polumetla Ananda Kumar successfully planted the first Indian transgenic brinjals in a field in west Delhi. Then he promptly burnt the entire crop to the ground. Kumar, head of the National Plant Biotechnology Centre at...

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Forest nod to Posco project by Subrat Das

There is a ray of hope for the revival of the much-delayed mega steel plant project of South Korean giant Posco following the final forest clearance accorded to it by the Union government. Posco India general manager (external relations) Simanta Mohanty told The Telegraph: “The Union environment and forest ministry has recently accorded the stage-II approval for the forest land required for our Orissa project. We are ready to start construction...

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Medical degree in 3.5-year for rural docs by Dhananjay Mahapatra

A medical degree in 3-1/2 years? This could soon be a reality with the health ministry and Medical Council of India (MCI) planning a shorter medical degree for rural students who would exclusively serve the rural populace. The hinterland, where few doctors want to serve, could soon have a dedicated corps of medical practitioners drawn from among students raised in rural areas. After incentives failed to lure doctors to practise...

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