-The Times of India National Commission for SCs may summon officials of Gautam Buddh Nagar, claiming that two dalit boys were missing since the police action on Bhatta Parsaul. NCSC chief P L Punia's day-long visit on Thursday to the villages hit by farmer-police clashes appeared an extension of Congress's campaign against UP chief minister Mayawati, starting with Rahul Gandhi 's sensational charge of mass murder and rape. Punia said dalit boys...
Counting Poorly by Anuradha Raman
The Planning Commission’s definition of poverty is inexplicable In the urban sprawl that is Delhi, as in any other metro in the country, earning no more than Rs 25 per day with a family to support would prove nightmarish. Food and Clothes have to be bought, there may be school-going children, colds, fevers or upset stomachs to get treated, someone with a chronic problem needing long-term treatment. Surely, someone living...
More »NCW backs Rahul's claim by Aarti Dhar
The National Commission for Women (NCW) on Saturday backed Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi's claim of mass killing and rape by the police in Greater Noida villages after protests over land acquisition. The NCW alleged that women were molested, stripped and raped and people were burnt alive, and sought a CBI probe to “bring out the truth.” The charge came a day after the All-India Democratic Women's Association said it found...
More »US, brands may stop sourcing if apparel industry fails review by Shramana Ganguly Mehta
Apparel exporters risk losing clients like GAP, Reebok and Nike if India fails to convince the US on Friday that its industry does not employ children. India has been asked to defend itself in the US on May 20 against charges of child labour. Child labour is a sensitive issue for American multinationals who source 30% of their global requirements from India. The brands can stop India sourcing if the country...
More »Left behind in a web of debt and poverty by Malia Politzer
The passport office in Hyderabad reported the highest number of passport applications recorded in Indian history (at least 450,000) and it expects an increase of 15-20% this year Jamuna Kunta sits stiffly in a plush red chair at the Hyderabad press club, holding her head proudly erect as she quietly recounts the events leading to her husband’s suicide in Dubai. A farmer from Karimnagar, a rural district in Andhra Pradesh, her husband...
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