Tamil Nadu chief minister J. Jayalalithaa, who had recommended the suspension of operations at the Koodankulam nuclear power plant until people’s concerns had been allayed, said on Monday that work on the plant should resume immediately. The state cabinet based its decision on a report submitted last month by an expert committee that gave the project the all-clear, she said. “As per the state cabinet consensus, I (order) that the process for...
RTI applicants in Dang 'threatened'-Yagnesh Mehta
They had waited for six years to know the status of their dues from forest department. Brothers Pandurang and Narayan Gaekwad, tribals from Dang district, had expected a favourable reply to their application filed under Right to Information (RTI) Act. However, what they received on Friday was a threat from an official for seeking to know by when will they receive their money for the 12 teak trees worth Rs...
More »Gujarat 2002 and Modi’s Misdeeds by Anand Teltumbde
Ten years after the killings in Gujarat, Narendra Modi has neither expressed regret nor has he been held accountable for those mass deaths. Where do we go from here? Anand Teltumbde (tanandraj@gmail.com) is a writer and civil rights activist with the Committee for the Protection of Democratic Rights, Mumbai. Just thinking of it, a shiver runs down my spine. I had my own brush with how the Hindutva gangs carried out the...
More »Planning, Execution by Anuradha Raman
Women and impoverished, illiterate tribals fall prey to Madhya Pradesh’s overweening family planning zeal Birth Control 1951 Family planning as a policy is launched in independent India 1978 Rechristened Family Welfare after the emergency 2000 National Population Policy aims at stable population by 2045 2010 Madhya Pradesh launches targeted family planning NPP says sterilisation should be last resort in family planning. *** When Shyam Lal* walked into a primary health centre at Rewa, a dusty little town in...
More »Post-Election Blues in West Bengal by Sumanta Banerjee
Trinamool Congress government’s policies in West Bengal are leading to suicides of small farmers, a reign of terror in the Jangalmahal area and a curbing of academic and trade union rights. Its student activists beat up students and teachers who do not profess loyalty to the party. Will the CPI(M) which led the previous Left Front government for 34 years and paid the price for its insolence and corruption...
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