-Scroll.in There are more than 2.7 crore cases pending in district courts across the country and 60% of them are more than two years old. Will you stand in a queue that is likely to take 466 years to clear up? That’s how much time it will take the Delhi High Court to clear up its backlog of pending cases. Unfortunately, the situation is not so much better in lower level courts...
SC launches portal on pendency of cases
-The Hindu The pendency statistics would be updated by district court complexes on a daily basis. Inviting the public to keep tabs on the burgeoning case pendency rates in their local courts, the Supreme Court on Saturday launched the public access portal of the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) district courts in a step towards demystification of the judicial process for the ordinary citizen. With this, the ambitious effort to digitise court system...
More »Cabinet approves additional 50 days of work for rural households in drought-hit areas -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: With India's 40% of the area facing drought situation due to deficient Monsoon rainfall, the government on Wednesday approved additional 50 days of employment over and above 100 days per household per year under the MGNREGA in drought affected areas. The move to increase the days of employment from 100 days to 150 days was approved by the Union Cabinet, which met under Prime Minister Narendra...
More »The digital voices of NGOs -Osama Manzar
-Livemint.com The inclusion of digital tools in the lives of NGOs will not only make them a mass producer of digital content, but will also help make the voices of civil society louder Amid all the negativity about the roles and responsibilities of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), mostly from the government and in many cases the business sector, one fact that nobody can take away from the non-profits is that theirs is...
More »Children of a different law -G Sampath
-The Hindu A recent sting video shows the men acquitted in the Laxmanpur Bathe case boasting about the same massacre. Will the passing of the Prevention of Atrocities (Amendment) Bill finally change the way justice is delivered to Dalits? On the night of December 1, 1997, in Laxmanpur Bathe, a village in Bihar’s Arwal district 90 km from Patna, 58 Dalits were slaughtered by a gang of dominant caste men that went...
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