-PTI The regulator is working hard to ensure that small investors' savings are not put to risk, says Sebi chief U.K Sinha With lakhs of investors getting defrauded by Ponzi schemes in West Bengal, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) chairman U.K Sinha on Wednesday said the regulator is working hard to ensure that small investors' savings are not put to risk. "Within the powers given to us, Sebi is working extremely...
Dalit empowerment still a distant dream- Elizabeth Roche and Arundhati Ramanathan
-Live Mint Almost two decades after the Panchayati Raj Act was notified, a key aim of the legislation remains unfulfilled Papapatti/Madurai district: S. Muruganadam, 38, is the Dalit president of the Papapatti village panchayat in Madurai district and a post-graduate in political science. His term ends in 2016 and he has made up his mind not to run for re-election. "I think a panchayat president's post is an important post because only he...
More »Accidents up as DTC fleet driven dangerously -Rumu Banerjee
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: With 9,787 regular and 4,447 contract drivers on its payroll, Delhi Transport Corporation has one of the largest resource pools in the city. Unfortunately, these drivers are calling attention to the corporation for all the wrong reasons. Since 2011, the number of accidents involving DTC buses has steadily gone up with a corresponding increase in fatalities. Complaints of rash driving have been pouring in, prompting frequent...
More »Asia’s soaring consumption of raw materials unsustainable, UN warns
-The United Nations The Asia-Pacific region, which has overtaken the rest of the world in consumption of raw materials as affluence and manufacturing increase, must boost its resource efficiency or risk losing ground in lifestyle, economic growth and environmental sustainability, according to a UN report released today. From 1970-2008, consumption of construction minerals increased 13.4 times, metal ores and industrial minerals consumption 8.6, fossil fuels 5.4, and biomass 2.7 times, according to...
More »Slow Poison-A Srinivas
-The Hindu Business Line Arsenic and fluoride contaminated water has condemned millions to live wasted lives in West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Business Line visited several villages in the affected regions for this special report by A. Srinivas. Sixty-nine-year-old Renubala Ari of Deganga village in West Bengal's North 24 Parganas district is counting her last days. But it is not her death that worries her. Blind in both eyes and with painful...
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