Total Matching Records found : 2844

Advertising, Bollywood, Corporate power by P Sainath

Issues today have to be dressed up in ways certified by the corporate media. They have to be justified not by their importance to the public but by their acceptability to the media, their owners and sponsors.  That the terrible tragedy in Pune demands serious, sober coverage is a truism. One of the side-effects of the ghastly blast has been unintended, though. The orgy of self-congratulation that marked the media...

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Bt safe than sorry

By putting an open-ended moratorium on the commercial cultivation of the gene-altered Bt brinjal, environment minister Jairam Ramesh has ended the long-pending uncertainty over this issue. If, despite nine years of testing and safety trials to the satisfaction of the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC), some genuine concerns about the safety aspects of transgenic Bt brinjal have still been left unaddressed, they surely need to be addressed before the country’s...

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First Husband blow by Satish Nandgaonkar

A revenue court in Vidarbha has issued orders restoring a disputed piece of land to a poor farmer who alleged that six relatives of President Pratibha Patil, including her husband Devisinh Shekhawat, had tried to illegally transfer the plot in their names. Ashok Amankar, the sub-divisional officer (SDO) of Daryapur, who has quasi-judicial powers, issued orders stating that the names of Devisinh, his sister-in-law Siddeshwar Lalsinh Shekhawat, her sons Bhanwarsinh, Kishoresinh...

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Hidden apartheid by S Dorairaj

A recent survey carried out by the TNUEF brings to light details of the discrimination Dalits in Madurai have faced for generations. OVER seven decades have rolled by since the freedom fighter A. Vaidhyanatha Iyer successfully led Dalits into the Meenakshi temple in Madurai, overcoming all the impediments posed by the casteist forces that were hell-bent on thwarting the historic event. But the stark reality is that “hidden apartheid” against...

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Swaminathan hails decision by Gargi Parsai

Agriculture scientist and Rajya Sabha member M.S. Swaminathan on Tuesday described the government’s moratorium on commercialisation of Mahyco’s Bt brinjal until independent studies established its safety, as “a wise and appropriate decision.” He said it was appropriate not to hurry and to look at the problems to the satisfaction of all. The government should utilise the time to put in place a credible, effective and transparent system for the benefit of...

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