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Agricultural Crisis of Punjab: Costly Mistakes -Amarjit S Bhullar

-Economic and Political Weekly The historical review of growth of agriculture in Punjab shows that ignoring basic research and hierarchical domination in research and policy formulation led to the crisis we see today. Two MEAsures can help improve the situation in the long run. Basic and fundamental research will be intrinsic to ameliorate the current problems and for future agricultural growth. The existing agricultural research and policy formulation system should be...

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Aadhaar frailties

-The Hindu Business Line The SC interim order presents the biometric ID as a fait accompli for the underprivileged Last week’s interim order of the Supreme Court on a batch of petitions challenging Aadhaar may have provided temporary relief to a section of the population, but it appears to have simultaneously served notice on another section – a largely disadvantaged one — that the contentious biometric identification is something of a fait...

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Farmer debts: Relief, the Kerala way -Shriya Mohan

-The Hindu Business Line Eleven years since its inception, the State’s farmer’s debt relief commission has quietly eased the burden of debt on poor farmers, and grown to be a model worth emulating Earlier this week 35,000 debt-ridden farmers coursed through Maharashtra, walking 180 km on blistered soles, to converge at Mumbai’s Azad Maidan demanding freedom from debt and fair compensation for their produce. As the government scrounged for solutions, it could’ve...

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'Digital India' Actually Made MGNREGA Less Transparent -Nikhil Shenoy The MGNREGA website used to be something of a gold standard on information dissemination. But not anymore. Sanjay Sahni is an anti-corruption activist from Muzaffarpur, Bihar. Formally educated only till Class 5, he used to work as an electrician in Delhi until 2012. He came across the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) website by chance, and after several hours of navigating through the complicated web pages, he saw...

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MP begins wheat purchase at Rs. 2,000/quintal

-The Hindu Business Line Indore: Procurement of wheat by government agencies in Madhya Pradesh has begun on Thursday, mainly in the divisions of Indore and Ujjain, where the cereal crop ripens early. Official sources in the State Food and Civil Supplies Department said wheat purchases will commence in the Narmadapuram division from March 20 and across other parts of the State from March 26. The MP Government is purchasing wheat from the...

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