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Check dams a boon for parched villages -Sumita Sarkar

-The Times of India NASHIK: Two non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Nashik have provided relief to some drought-prone villages in Nashik, by constructing check dams or by reviving the ancient ones. Ten villages have benefited from these projects and more check dams are in the offing. The NGOs had conducted independent research in Sinnar and in Peth, given that these areas suffered from acute water scarcity in the summer months. In 2007, the...

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A sacred forest to fight hunger: A Sarpanch's big idea -Shuriah Niazi

-Women's Feature Service   For tribal communities, the forest has traditionally been their habitat, their source of income and their nutritional lifeline. So protection of the green cover and ready access to forest produce are issues that are connected with their survival. In India, while The ScheduLED Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, recognises the rights of forest-dwellers over land and other resources, in reality there...

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The bane of unprofessional warehouses-Dilip Kumar Jha

-The Business Standard There is an urgent need to develop a strong warehousing system equipped with modern and scientific storage facilities Mumbai: Around 30% of India's foodgrains harvest gets wasted because it is unprofessionally managed in the warehouse, a joint study conducted by The Associated Chambersof Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) and Yes Bank, said.Owing to extreme dearthof about 35 million tonnes (MT) warehousing capacity together with massive foodgrain storage shortfall...

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Sustaining farm sector growth amid fall in water availability -Kunal Bose

-The Business Standard   Had late winter rains not damaged some standing crops in northern states, India would have had record foodgrain production of 263 million tonnes (mt) in 2013-14. Whatever the loss of rabi crops, the good southwest monsoon allowed India to record the targeted growth of four per cent in production. However, a good season should not distract us from the reality of the farm sector's vulnerability to major shocks...

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A raw deal for migrants-Jayati Ghosh

-Frontline     Significant part of economic migration is still the result of desperation rather than hard-headed economic calculation. This, in turn, affects the conditions under which workers migrate and their lives and work as well.   PERHAPS the most poignant moment in the film Peepli Live-even though the movie is really more about the media than about the socio-economic realities of India-is at the very end, when the hapless protagonist, now a former farmer...

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