Free uniform and notebooks; compulsory for schools to reserve 25% seats for children from poor sections The State Budget gives a major boost to school education, with the government earmarking a record sum of Rs.14,553 crore for it — the highest ever allocation made to any department in Tamil Nadu. The school education department will also focus on increasing enrolments and arresting drop-out rates, Finance Minister O. Panneerselvam told the Assembly...
Displaced tribals march for their rights
-The Deccan Herald Cover eight states, hold meetings in 87 villages Rights groups released a report here demanding the implementation of Panchayats (Extention to Scheduled Areas) Act (PESA) and rights of the tribals in India. The recommendations were based on the 39 days of foot march conducted by the Adivasi Janjati Adhikar Manch (AJAM), supported by ActionAid. The primary demand put forth by the tribals was implementation of PESA in Forest Rights Act, 2006...
More »It's a double error-Sitaram Yechury
The ongoing debate over the incidence of poverty in India, often assuming surreal proportions, shows that there is indeed a ‘philosophy of poverty’ guiding current economic reforms. The loot of our country’s resources that is taking place both through these reforms, which continue to widen gross inequalities, and through the open plunder of our resources for private gain — as reflected in the series of mega scams — require the legitimacy...
More »The problem with govt’s poverty line-Sachi Satapathy
Methodology error, intentionally manipulated data of poor Quality and perilous local level political partiality is making the life of poor miserable and proved time and again that ‘any initiative for the poor tends to be a poor initiative.’ The erroneous way of assessing multi-dimensional indicators for locating the poor without making any distinction between facilities self-created by someone against facilities created through government schemes is nothing but an attempt to hide...
More »Manav Vikas Award for Kottayam
-CNN-IBN Kottayam, the first town in the country to experiment with total literacy programme, the first to have a printing press in the state and the first to have a college in the state, is in the limelight again. The first-ever Manav Vikas India Human Development Award instituted by the Planning Commission and the UNDP zeroed in on the Kottayam District Human Development Report for its excellent Quality of analysis. The report was...
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