But will it reflect true level of poverty in the country? India's poverty line has hit the headlines again. In the past six months this is for the second time that the government has tried to bring out a poverty line. Like the poverty line in September last year, the new poverty line has also triggered widespread dissent and debate. In an action replay, this time also the government almost junked...
Poverty levels fall by 7 percentage points in 5 yrs, faster in villages than in urban areas
-The Indian Express Rural areas have shown a faster pace of decline as poverty levels dipped by over seven percentage points in the past five years in the country. As per Planning Commission estimates released on Monday, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Uttarakhand are among the top performers, with the decline in poverty in each of these states estimated at 10 percentage points or more between 2004-05...
More »Raj fares well, registers 9% decline in poverty-Anindo Dey
No. Of People Below Poverty Line Dips To 24.8% From 34.4% In Rajasthan, if you earn more than Rs 846 per month (Rs 28.20 per day) in urban areas and Rs 755 per month (Rs 25.16 per day) in rural areas, then you are not below poverty line. The data was released by the Planning Commission on Monday. This is a jump from Rs 568.15 per month (Rs 18.93 per day)...
More »The Rs 28 Diet Plan-Anuradha Raman
Trying—and failing—to live on the govt’s definition of ‘not poor’ Dietetics Of Poverty Three cups of tea, adding up to about 150 calories Two slices of bread (100 calories) Two pieces of kulcha with chhole (about 425 calories) Bread and tea hardly contain any nutrients. Milk may provide some calcium. Near-starvation diets, with hardly any vitamins or minerals, can lead to a breakdown of muscles and weight loss over a...
More »Lesser poor people in India now, suggests new poverty line-Rupashree Nanda
If you could spend more than Rs 28 per day and lived in a town, or Rs 22 per day and lived in a village, you were above the poverty line. This is Planning Commission's new poverty line for the year 2009-2010. According to its most recent estimates, 52 million people moved out of poverty between 2005 and 2010. For rural areas, poverty is down from 42% to 33% while for...
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