-The Hindu Amid criticism from SC/ST panel, experts say project must continue Now in her late twenties, Veeramma Selvan of Thekkekadampara tribal hamlet in Sholayur gram panchayat of Attappady has reasons to believe that her gods have stopped smiling. It was in January last year that she lost her five-month-old, underweight son Balu — her fourth child — allegedly due to milk aspiration. (a medical condition in which the mother's milk goes...
Farmer support: Centre looking to spend Rs 200-250 bn on MSP procurement -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard Decision likely soon, states will be free to adopt one or more of the models suggested New Delhi: The Central government is looking at spending a minimum of Rs 200-250 billion initially along with the states in ensuring that farmers get the benefit of Minimum Support Price (MSP) either through direct procurement of goods or a system of Price Deficiency Payment on the lines of Madhya Pradesh’s Bhawaantar Bhugtan Model. Officials...
More »Read the distress signals -Ajit Ranade
-The Hindu Farming must be treated as a market-based enterprise and made viable on its own terms The week-long farmers’ march which reached Mumbai earlier this month, on the anniversary of Gandhi’s Dandi March of 1930, was unprecedented in many ways. It was mostly silent and disciplined, mostly leaderless, non-disruptive and non-violent, and well organised. It received the sympathy of middle class city dwellers, food and water from bystanders, free medical services...
More »India needs to trust its farmers and set them free -Shruti Rajagopalan
-Livemint.com The only way to solve the farmers’ problem is to make entry to other sectors attractive by creating employment opportunities, and to make it easy to exit farming Farmers have a bad romance with the Indian polity. On the one hand, India loves, even worships, these farmers. On the other, Indian policymakers create the most impossible regulatory environment for the agricultural sector, trapping farmers in a low-income, low-productivity occupation. The latest...
More »India is consuming banned GM food owing to lack of regulations
-Down to Earth Genetically modified food items are flooding Indian markets with seemingly no trouble at all Just last year the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) had told the Supreme Court that “GM (genetically modified) foods are not allowed in the country” and yet no action has been taken against the GM foods flooding Indian markets. The Coalition for a GM-free India has complained to the FSSAI with pictorial...
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